
Over Dentures Cost in Pondicherry

Losing your teeth can be tough, affecting your self-esteem and making it hard to eat and talk, but the cost of treatment can be a factor that holds back most of us from getting back the smile. Overdenture can be a life-changing solution for tooth loss. If you wish to know more about Over dentures cost in Pondicherry, consult Dr Mithinjith and his team at Karewell Dentaire Dental Clinic.

Understanding Over Dentures

Overdentures, also known as implant-supported dentures, are removable prostheses designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth. They differ from traditional dentures as they are secured in the mouth with dental implants. The implants are typically made of biocompatible titanium and are surgically placed in the jawbone. Overdentures are attached to these implants, providing stability, improved functionality, and a natural appearance.

How Overdentures Work:

Overdentures are anchored to dental implants, which serve as artificial tooth roots. The process typically involves several stages:

Consultation: Our dentist will evaluate your oral health and determine whether you are a suitable candidate for over-dentures.

Implant Placement: Implants are surgically placed in the jawbone. The number of implants may vary depending on the specific case and the quality of the bone.

Healing Period: After implant placement, a healing period is necessary to allow the implants to fuse with the bone. This process is known as osseointegration and ensures a strong foundation for the overdentures.

Attachment of Dentures: Once the implants have integrated with the bone, custom-made overdentures will be attached to the implants. They will snap or clip onto the implants, providing stability and support.

The Benefits of Over Dentures

  • Enhanced Stability: Overdentures are firmly anchored in place by dental implants, eliminating concerns about slipping or shifting.
  • Improved Chewing Efficiency: With the stability of implants, you can chew a variety of foods more comfortably, enhancing your nutritional intake.
  • Natural Appearance: Overdentures are crafted to look and function like natural teeth, providing a more appealing smile.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: Dental implants support the jawbone, preventing bone loss, which is common with traditional dentures.
  • Long-Term Solution: With proper care, over dentures can last many years, providing a reliable and long-term solution to tooth loss.

The Cost of Over Dentures in Pondicherry:

The cost of overdentures can vary based on several factors, including:

The number of dental implants required: More implants typically result in higher costs.

The materials used for the dentures: High-quality, natural-looking materials may come at a higher price.

The complexity of the case: Complicated cases may necessitate additional procedures, affecting the overall cost.

While overdentures may have a higher initial cost compared to traditional dentures, many patients find them to be a worthwhile investment due to their superior stability, functionality, and aesthetics.

Overdentures offer a cost-effective and practical solution for those experiencing extensive tooth loss. With the added stability and support of dental implants, overdentures can significantly improve chewing efficiency, appearance, and overall dental function. If you're considering overdentures in Pondicherry, consult us at Karewell Dentaire Dental Clinic.

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