
Tooth Cavity Filling in Pondicherry

Are you tired food getting stuck in tooth cavity or have a broken tooth but are not sure about dental fillings? Worry not as tooth colored fillings are one of the best and discrete ways to fix these issues. At Karewell Dentaire Dental clinic in Pondicherry tooth colored dental fillings are available to give you a beautiful and healthy teeth.

Tooth Cavity Filling

A tooth cavity, often called dental caries or decay, occurs when the hard structure of a tooth is damaged or destroyed by acid-producing bacteria. If left untreated, cavities can grow in size and cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss. Tooth cavity filling is a dental procedure that includes removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the resulting hole with a suitable material to restore its function and appearance.

The Tooth Cavity Filling Process

Here is the process of tooth cavity filling:

Diagnosis: Your dentist in Pondicherry will begin by examining your teeth and identifying the location and extent of the cavity. X-rays may be taken to get a clearer view.

Numbing: To ensure you're comfortable throughout the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding area.

Removal of Decay: Using a dental drill or laser, the dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth, leaving behind a clean, healthy structure.

Filling Material: Once the decay is removed, the dentist will fill the cavity with an appropriate material, one of several options: amalgam (silver-colored), composite resin (tooth-colored), gold, or ceramic.

Shaping and Polishing: Following the cavity filling, the dentist will shape and polish it to ensure it seamlessly blends with your natural tooth structure.

Tooth Color Filling

Tooth color filling, also known as composite resin filling, is a modern and popular choice for dental restorations. Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, which are silver or metallic in color, composite resin fillings are crafted to match the natural color of teeth. This makes them an excellent option for visible teeth, as they offer a virtually undetectable solution for cavity treatment.

Benefits of Tooth Cavity Filling and Tooth Color Filling

The benefits of Tooth Cavity Filling and Tooth Color Filling are given below:

  • Restored Function: Both tooth cavity filling and tooth color filling effectively restore the function of a decayed or damaged tooth. You can chew and speak comfortably once again.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Tooth color fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, preserving the aesthetic of your smile. You won't have to worry about visible metal fillings.
  • Prevention: Filling cavities prevents further decay, infection, and potential tooth loss. It preserves your dental health.
  • Longevity: With proper care and maintenance, tooth cavity fillings and tooth color fillings can last for many years.
  • Comfort: These fillings are minimally invasive and cause minimal discomfort during or after the procedure.

Cost of Tooth Cavity Filling in Pondicherry

The cost of tooth cavity filling and tooth color filling can vary depending on several factors such as what issue is to be addressed, the size of tooth to be filling etc. To know the extract cost of tooth-colored filling in Pondicherry, consult our experts.

Whether you're concerned about the aesthetics of your smile or are simply seeking relief from pain or discomfort, these treatments offer effective solutions. If you are in search of tooth-colored filling in Pondicherry, visit us at Karewell Dentaire Dental Clinic for effective solution for your problem.

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